Severe Ways How Scoliosis Could Affect Your Daily Life

If you came from a family with a history of scoliosis, then chances are that you will most likely acquire the same disorder. At first, it is impossible to notice its development since you won’t feel any pain. However, it might cause further health complications, if left untreated. You might need surgical treatment for scoliosis to prevent it from progressing into a severe condition. 


Scoliosis is the unnatural curvature of the spine that can transpire during a child’s growth spurt. According to a global health information site, Medical News Today,  symptoms often appear right before puberty. Even medical experts haven’t found the cause behind the development of scoliosis, however, it is linked to neuromuscular disorders or the weakening of muscles.


Usually, if you have mild scoliosis, your physician will recommend you to undergo physical therapy or they might also ask you to get a scoliosis brace in Singapore. If you fail to do so, then it will eventually affect the quality of your life. Various health problems might arise, and here are some of them:


  • Heart Disease
    Since the spine curves sideways, it puts too much pressure on the heart. It’s now more difficult for your heart to pump enough oxygenated blood towards the other body systems.


  • Breathing Difficulties
    Sometimes, it is going to be hard to breathe because of how the spine presses on the rib cage. Moreover, the spine becomes too stiff as the curve worsens, so it’s more restricting for the lungs to expand while breathing.


  • Chronic Pain
    The spine can press on the nerves at the back, so chronic pain can be felt from time to time. You might even find some swelling parts at the lower back because it also inflames the joints.


  • Balance Problems
    Not getting a scoliosis treatment in Singapore can lead to some problems in “proprioception”. It’s how your body recognises your position even when you close your eyes. This affects your body’s balance and coordination.


  • Osteoarthritis
    If the curve becomes severe, then early osteoarthritis might develop. Usually, it only happens to patients who are already 45 years old since this is when ageing signs appear. However, for people with scoliosis, disc damage is common, thus making them more susceptible to osteoarthritis.


  • Digestive Issues
    With severe scoliosis, it will affect not only your skeletal, circulatory, nervous, and respiratory systems but also your digestive system. This is because your digestive organs’ peripheral nerves are connected to the brain. Scoliosis can damage these nerves, so as a result, digestive issues like acid reflux and heartburn might occur.


It’s frightening how scoliosis can develop into different health complications. But, the good news is that these complications can be prevented with the help of scoliosis treatment. While some might need to undergo surgical treatment for scoliosis, you might be one of the few lucky ones who do not need such comprehensive medical care.


So, if you ever experienced scoliosis symptoms like uneven shoulders and a prominent rib cage, consult one of our chiropractor scoliosis specialists from Bones and Beyond. We can help prescribe an ideal scoliosis treatment for you.

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